Undertaking a PIA
Let’s look now at the 10 steps you will go through to do a PIA.
Click on each step for more information.
This will help you determine whether you need to do a full PIA or not.
Good planning will ensure your PIA is effective and efficient.
This provides context to the project that all stakeholders understand.
Identify and consult with stakeholders
Who is interested in or affected by the project?
What information will be collected, used and disclosed, how will it be held and protected, and who will have access to it?
Privacy impact analysis and compliance check
How does the project impact on privacy and is it compliant with the Australian Privacy Principles?
Privacy management — addressing risks
What options do you have to remove, minimise or mitigate any negative privacy impacts?
Make recommendations about how avoidable risks can be removed or reduced to a more acceptable level.
A report that summarises your findings and recommendations.
Implementation of recommendations and ongoing monitoring.
Now let’s look at the first step in more detail.